So, you already have your Security+ certification – congratulations! However, since technology is constantly evolving, in order for you to stay competent, Security+ must be regularly renewed. Here is some …
Data protection
Security management only gets more complex as more applications, endpoints, IoT devices, cloud deployments, virtual machines, etc. are added to the network. To secure this exploding attack surface requires visibility …
- core webapi发布到IIS,访问报localhost 目前无法处理此请求。http error 500我通过vs2019 发布项目文件到iis并且我也安装了ASP.NET Core托管捆绑包,之后直接访问就报:localhost 目前无法处理此请求。http error 500 跟踪网络,也找不出问题,但是有一点直接在vs里可以运行成功. 下图:iis访问 2、vs直接运行 Source
{ const typeheadEl = mastheadContainerEl.querySelector(‘c4d-search-with-typeahead’); if (typeheadEl) { typeheadEl.searchPlaceholder = searchPlaceholderText; observer.disconnect(); } } let observer = new MutationObserver(appendSearchPlaceholderText); observer.observe(mastheadContainerEl, {subtree: true, childList: true}); ]]> { document.querySelector(‘c4d-masthead-l1’).overviewText = ‘Overview’; }); …
awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted: A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers
Self-hosting is the practice of hosting and managing applications on your own server(s) instead of consuming from SaaSS providers. This is a list of Free Software network services and web …
⭐各位遇到类似问题一定仔细查一遍文件名/微笑 问题遇到的现象和发生背景 写了一个网站,登录注册页面显示都完全正常: 但是当输入用户名密码后点击登录按钮的时候就出现以下报错: 跳转是loginaction,无论密码输入正确与否都是跳转到loginaction。login和loginaction在同目录下。⭐问题升级了,我改了login里的代码把loginaction.php都删了还是跳转到这里,我吐了 我的解答思路和尝试过的方法 apache文件配置和LoadModule rewrite_module modules/ 开启均已更改完毕,重写.htaccess也写了放在了放代码的文件夹里,但还是告诉我404 我哭了 附代码login.php 登录 登录页面 注册账号 忘记密码 loginaction.php 感觉代码没有问题,应该是环境配置的问题 Source
netbox-community/netbox: The premier source of truth powering network automation. Open source under Apache 2. Try NetBox Cloud free:
NetBox exists to empower network engineers. Since its release in 2016, it has become the go-to solution for modeling and documenting network infrastructure for thousands of organizations worldwide. As a …
getmaxun/maxun: Open-source no-code web data extraction platform. Turn websites to APIs and spreadsheets with no-code robots in minutes! [In Beta]
Maxun lets you train a robot in 2 minutes and scrape the web on auto-pilot. Web data extraction doesn’t get easier than this! Website | Discord | Twitter | Join …
Security, Compliance and Integrity of Cloud are the most critical requirements for mission-critical enterprise workload. There are existing technologies that support security and compliance management for Cloud Native, however the …
If you want to get started or advance your career in information technology (IT) and cybersecurity, the outlook is good: Career opportunities are at or near an all-time high. The …